Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blog Post #1

personal photo
About me:
Hello,my name is Audrey Elizabeth Mitchell, I am here to tell you a little bit about myself. I am from Mobile Alabama,from the ages of 0-18 I had only lived in two houses, the first in which was around the corner and up a hill from the second. At age 18 I moved to Tuscaloosa to start the college journey by attending Shelton State Community College. Since then I have lived in a total of 5 different places, all in which were in one state and two cities.
My main hobbies are running and working out. These have become to be more of obsessions then anything else. Sophomore year of high school I broke my left knee, which caused me to not be able to be involved in any sports for the rest of my high school career. Once I was completely healed I decided to beat the odds of what the doctor had told me and to one day be able to run again. Because of this Freshman Year of college I decided to start lifting and doing cross fit. Since then I have rehabilitated my knee enough to be able to start running again. I now run and lift on an every day basis and have overly beaten the odds. The goal is to run a half marathon this year.
After attending Shelton State for two years I decided to move home and attend USA. This is something I would have never in a million years thought would happen. I am someone who wants to move out of Alabama and explore the rest of the world and not be a homebody. This may now one day become true. My boyfriend,who is in Air Force ROTC at Mississippi State University,will be graduating this year. He will be based in Hawaii for two years after graduating. I hope to one day move out there with him and see what that part of the world has to offer. Who knows maybe I will be able to do my student teaching there!
My family is the most important thing to me. I have an identical twin sister named Kayley, who is one minute older than me. We are proof of the assumption that twins have ESP being true. Some weird and crazy things have happened to us in our life. I would not trade this gift for anything in the world, she is my other half and best friend. I have a four year older brother, named Hayden. Hayden is your typical protective brother of his sisters. My parents are to me the best parents you could ever ask for, not being bias or anything=].
Both my mom, brother and also his wife are all teachers. My mother has been a teacher for about 28 years. She has always loved her job because of the challenges being a teacher brings. She has always told me that every year is completely different than the last one, not one class is the same either. Hayden is facing his first year of teaching history to high school students. He is also facing the challenge of teaching at a reconstituted school. His wife Mandy teaches theater to high school students at one of the nicest high schools in Mobile County. This is an example that each school brings different challenges.
Growing up I always told myself I would never become a teacher like my mom, but deep down inside I always knew I would. Not only do I love children but I also have seen how rewarding being a teacher can be. Being a teacher also comes with amazing benefits and this career is what held my family together during a few very challenging years. I can not wait to become a teacher and get to experience all of these great things that teaching brings first hand.

Randy Pausch: 
While watching his video on time management I learned or was reminded several things. The thing that stuck out the must is to always ask yourself WHY. He put on the screen several questions to ask your self and I found these very useful!
*Why am I doing this? What is the goal?
*Why will I succeed?
*What happens if I choose not to do it?
*Doing things right vs. doing things
*100 things to do in my life
I feel that these are things that will help me and my fellow classmates pass EDM310 and that are also useful tools for day to day life. You only have one chance at this life you are living. So live it the best way you possibly can and use some of these tools to help you along the way.


  1. Welcome to EDM310. This is a test. This comment should be sent to your Gmail account and to Thanks for starting early!

  2. Running with a damaged knee? I could easily ask Why? You love running that much I suppose.

    Two houses in all of your life? Let me count mine.21. Ten by the time I was your age now. Oh my.

  3. Audrey,

    Welcome to EDM 310! I hope that you enjoy this class! I understand about running with an injury, I ran last summer with two fractured toes! Please refer to the instruction manual to add "alt" and "title" modifiers to your images.


    Rebekah Lloyd

  4. Rebekah,I have gone back and changed my titles but I am still a little confused on the Alt part. Could you please tell me or hint to me on what exactly is wrong? I will be going to the lab tomorrow so I will also be able to ask for some help then.
