Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Post #2 C4T


I was assigned Elvira G. blog post Showcasing My School. She was asked to manage her schools website and creatively showcase the school, students, and activities that take place. She did this by creating pages on the website for: faculty and staff, administration, school calendar, announcements, and PTA. She also plans on adding a few more pages including grade level/ class specific pages, and special feature videos. 

In response I put "Hi my name is Audrey Mitchell. I am taking EDM310 at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. This blog captured my attention greatly due to the significant need for a blog like this at each and every school in the United States. It is extremely important for parents to play a huge role in their kids education and I believe this would successfully help them to do so. Technology these days has done wonders with education. With my mother being an elementary school teacher I have been able to see this through the use of smart boards. This is why the use of Ipod touches at your school has caught my attention. I was wondering if you all only had a select number of them that you used with the children or are there enough for each child in the class room? Also, what kind of activities are you able to do using the Ipod touches?".

Ms.Elvira responded by saying :
"Thanks for stopping by! The uses,implications,and possibilities of technology in education has been a recent passion of mine that was inspired by my Personal Learning Network(PLN) on Twitter. Our school was the first in our district to have several class sets of iPod Touches. As you can see from the video on our school's homepage, we use them to practice different skills via educational apps to recording students reading to develop fluency. I am interested in utilizing the video features and having my students create their own videos for the near future."


Writing with Edmodo: Ms. Elvira wrote about the ways she uses the new form of technology used to better educate students in writing. She does this by: weekly journal entries, collaborating projects, keeping in touch with former students, and checking in after-hours or during extended break. She ends her blog by asking "How do you want to use Edmodo in your classroom?"and "What were your favorite features?".

In response I posted "Teaching has changed so much over the years. The use of technology and what teachers are now able to do with it just excites me to a great extreme. Being ADHD I wish that we had had these sources available to us while I was going through elementary school to even high school. I just think that not only will it help kids with learning disabilities but also all other kids. I feel that it will make them excited to learn and make them strive to learn even more!"

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